Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Taking Care of Nature? This is how I do it...

Hi everyone!!! I've been out for a very long time for school but now I'm back and I'm ready to share more of my thoughts...

Much have happened in the two years that I've been away - typhoons, droughts, flood - and all these have taken their toll on my garden. But I don't mind that. I believe it's nature's way of healing itself. 

And why should nature need healing? Throughout mankind's birth many years ago, nature has been our shelter, our provider and our home.Yet, in the past century, mankind has discovered technologies that overwhelmed nature in scales that have never been done before. Now, nature is hurt. And it shows! And it is our duty to take care of her, as she has done for us before...

Taking Care of Nature is an Instinct

We are born humans and whether we believe in creation or in evolution, we are aware of our Animal side, the side that guides our hunger and thirst for survival. With this persona within each one of us, we are all designed with that drive to search for food wherever we can get it and to protect that reserve for our future use. And where else do we get this food? yes, Nature!

So why take care of nature?

This is basic. We humans value most the things, people, and places that always give us what we need. But whatever we need - food, clothing, shelter, water, medicines, raw materials - Nature has it all! And she is willing to give them to us Anytime, Anywhere! So why not value her even in our own simple ways?

3 Ways to take care of Nature:

1. Treat her like your Fridge

Think of nature like she's a refrigerator, which is full of your daily food and water supply, ready to serve your hunger and thirst at your own time. But nature gives you more than just food and water. And she does not just stores them, she creates more of them to continuously provide your daily need. So, treat her like, or even better than your fridge:
  • Take only what you need. Most of the time, we get more food than what we need from the fridge and they end up wasted. Instead of taking everything that you see, take only what you have to consume for today and be assured that whatever you didn't take today will stay there for tomorrow.
  • Place only what is healthy. Suppose we put our leftovers in the fridge to keep them from spoiling. Will the spoiling stop? No, right? In fact, when we put spoiled food in the fridge, it actually acts like poison to contaminate everything else in the fridge, even the freshest supply you have.This is just like when we dispose of our waste. We must do it with Caution. Every time we throw our garbage, we are just returning them to nature. And when we return them in their hazardous form, they spell Danger for nature. So, before we throw our garbage, make sure they are safe to throw away or just place them in the proper containers for further treatment.
  • Clean it. As I said earlier, placing spoiled food in the fridge poisons it. But more than that, it weakens the fridge, forcing to work harder, beyond its capacity. Which shortens the fridge's life span. Just like that, we must clear nature of its pollutants, so that it can work naturally and in harmony, preventing flood, acid rain, etc.

2. Treat her like your wallet

Think of Nature like she's a wallet. A wallet that is full of cash, debit cards, checks and credit cards - everything that will provide you an sense of financial security, that in any time you will need something, you have the money to buy it. Just like that, nature provides us with raw materials that we can use and develop to produce more beneficial products - medicine, clothing, construction materials, and many more! And just like that, it is always there, right at the ends of your fingertips, ready to serve you instantly. But as I have said, nature does more than all that. So, treat her better than you treat your wallet:
  • Always keep her in your sight. As your wallet is a source of funds, Nature,too, is a bank of resources and as large as it is, it can easily be taken from you - by other people themselves! Be mindful of every activity that is done to nature and weigh out their pros and cons... Is mining safe to rivers and freshwater animals? Is your car safe for the atmosphere? Be wary, or just regret when the damage has already been done.
  • Preserve and Replenish. Just as your wallet runs out of cash, so does nature run out of mature supplies of trees, plants and animals. When you take anything from nature, make sure to leave some, enough for the next few days. You'll never know when emergency comes. And when you see that so few is left of nature, Stop! and let nature takes its course of replenishing its supply. Don't wait for the time when the supply has already ran out.

3. Treat her like your mother

Nature is a mother to every living thing.She nourishes us and cares for us and understands our every need. And just as that, she deserves every gesture of gratitude and respect we can give her.
  • Don't make her upset. Just like a human body, nature has different systems like organs which function in many cycles like water cycle, carbon dioxide cycle and nitrogen cycle. And just as when an organ malfunctions, nature gets hurt and sick when we disrupt her cycles. And just as we feel bad when we are sick, nature also gets upset with her disrupted cycles. So how do we prevent this? Understand her rhythms - follow where the river flows or where the birds fly. Let nature takes its course - Don't build your house in a dried-up stream or lake, Don't let your waste flow straight to the river. In this way, you will always live in harmony with nature.
  • Show her your love. How do you show your love to your mother? That's up to you! Whatever gesture or action you make, no matter how little or big your effort is, just like your real mom, nature will appreciate that every effort you do is special. Don't hesitate to make her feel how much grateful and thankful you are to her each and every day.

So these are my personal ways of taking care of nature. And I guarantee that you can do it too.

Did you enjoy this post? Do you have any questions and comments about this post or suggestions for my next post? Please feel free to post your comment below. You're feedback will be a great help.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Letting Weather take over

Unattended growth of my Alugbati vines

   I've been away for a long while since my last post. Away from my blog because of my priorities in school and away even from my garden. For a semester, I've been busy doing lots of school work and have somehow brushed aside my intentions of taking care of my garden and my blog; And thus goes the title "episodic".

       Being guilty of such neglect, I take my time to thank the elements who took care of my garden for the past few months especially the extreme sun and the unpredictable rain. Thank you for guiding my plants to growth and abundance as well as for keeping them nourished in spite of the harsh conditions of our place.

      Time Flows. And as it went, these fantastic things happened to my plants as the elements took over.

Skyrocketing height for
my young Malunggay tree
Staggering leaf growth of my Soursop tree.

And speaking of leaves, new leaf growths were visible in almost all of my plants...

New growth bud for my Ampalaya
New leaf for a bulb
New stems and leaves for my Malunggay tree

for herbs...

for ornamentals...

and for root crops!
Young Papaya leaves await
their turn to face the sun

my Patola vine's new leaf bud
keeps on reaching for new heights....

This new Rambutan bud grows well
among other leaves..

Even the Soursop's new leaf excitedly awaits its time to grow.

It's also time for the flowers and fruits to flourish...

The bright Calachuchi flower...

my Cattleya orchid...
Red Hot Chili Peppers...

Plump eggplants everywhere...

Vanda orchid flowers...

Young Papaya flower and fuit....

... and the rare Ginger blossom!

                It was also time for wounds
                          to heal and encourage fresh growth...

New Cattleya plantlet

New stems from a cut Calachuchi shrub

recovering Lanson seedling

New growth from cut Malunggay branch

Recovering Santol seedling

And of course, a time for old leaves to die.... 

Dying Palm leaf

Truly, the powers of heat, light and moisture keep Plants and Mankind alive and nourished!

Thanks for reading my post!!!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Change of Heart

What am I fighting for?

For almost four years in high school I thought I knew a lot about the Environment. In school articles and write-ups I kept talking  about Global Warming - what it is and how it threatens the Human race. I kept talking because it was all I knew back then.

But Now, i'll STOP.

I've just read  STATE OF FEAR by Micheal Crichton and I was really moved and convinced. NOW, I'm changing my Environmentalist Heart and START Letting Go of Global Warming. NOT TO FIGHT AGAINST IT but somehow just IGNORE IT for now.

It's not because it's not important. it's because it doesn't deserve to be a top priority for environmentalists especially in the third world. I believe that there are more important and more pressing issue than Global Warming. Rather than fight a threat which will try to attack our Great Grandchildren, Why not fight the ones threatening our own generation? Why Not fight Pollution, Urbanization, and Forest Destruction instead? Why fight an issue filled with THEORIES when, there are EVEN MORE OBVIOUS ONES???

Let's face it! We are just human beings! It's NORMAL for us to fight for our OWN SURVIVAL! Because even though how much we try to save our environment for the Future, if we don't save Our OWN GENERATION  from Pollution and Starvation, then Sooner enough, NO MORE Humans-- Children, Grandchildren, and Great Great Grandchildren-- will be able to utilize the planet WE tried to SAVE.

Think about it...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My First Real Post

Hi everyone!

I'm so Sorry I cannot welcome you yet. I''m really new to all this but i'd like to try. So now, i'll just have to wait for that right moment or story or train of thoughts. And, while i'm doing that, i'd like to hear some of your ideas, comments or suggestions on gardening and urban living.

I really love to hear from you all. And so excited to welcome you to my blog.
